Hello World!

1 minute read

Welcome to my blog! For a while now, I’ve had in mind a few topics on which I get brief recurring thoughts, thoughts which have come to shape the way I look at the world and myself. I’ve often questioned the originality of thoughts; with so many human beings alive (and dead), and with the growing inter-connectivity of ideas, people are bound to have unoriginal thoughts. Or maybe more accurately, original thoughts that are not unprecedented. As such, I believe that most of the ideas I’ll be exploring on my blog are not unprecedented, despite them being original (as in, they are the brainchild of my own rationality and imagination).

But, I find that “un-originality”, in a sense, is a form of validation: the more people independently having the same idea, the more credibility it has. I know that such a definition is prone to exploitation; after all, that’s also how conspiracy theories are born. Nevertheless, I’d still like to express and explore those thoughts of mine, in the hope that some like-minded individuals would find solace in that they’re not alone in having such thoughts, and that their ideas may not be that far-fetched after all.

I look forward to sharing my mind with you. Thanks for sticking around!