The Curious Neuron

A journal of thoughts, by one curious neuron.

Is This... Real?

Five years ago, when shown a doctored picture, the average computer user was able to clearly tell it was edited. Two years ago, deep-fakes became a thing, but one could still feel something is not right. Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult for even the seasoned internet dweller to tell...

To Do or not to Do

Why do we do the things we do? Why do we do anything? Why do we brush our teeth in the morning? Why do we go to work? Why do we join friends for lunch? Why do we eat alone? Why do we browse YouTube for entertaining videos?… Why am...

What is Life?

It’s an elusive question. Humans have an innate grasp of what is alive and what is not. A cat is alive. A rock is not. It seems simple. Yet, come to put it in words, and it all falls apart. Something is alive if it breathes, if it moves. What...

Why Do Flowers Have Color?

I recently started a small indoor garden, as a means of giving myself a sense of the passing time. I wanted to look forward to something, to introduce an observable change in the never-ending routine of the working-class life. So I planted a few basils, wild strawberries, and cherry tomato...

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog! For a while now, I’ve had in mind a few topics on which I get brief recurring thoughts, thoughts which have come to shape the way I look at the world and myself. I’ve often questioned the originality of thoughts; with so many human beings alive...